134 Following

Reading a Thousand Lives

I'm a goodreads refugee. I read horror, classics, literary, science fiction, YA, weird, regency romances, historical fiction, history, science, fantasy and random bits and pieces of every genre, it seems like. I don't do as much reading and reviewing as I used to, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things.

Currently reading

Stone Mattress: Nine Tales
Margaret Atwood
A Dance with Dragons
George R.R. Martin
Deep Blue
Jennifer Donnelly
Crystal Fire
Jordan Dane
Trisha Wolfe
Mistress to the Crown
Isolde Martyn
The Children of Henry VIII
John Guy
The Illicit Love of a Courtesan
Jane Lark
Lost in a Royal Kiss
Vanessa Kelly
The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind
Michio Kaku

[REBLOG] How to Block Followers on Booklikes

Taken from:

Followers, Book Blog Directory Reminder & Import Updates



"Sometimes however, as in many social sites, some Followers don’t really want to stay connected, they want you to follow them back and share their not book related content. Recently we've received feedback from you and we’ve noticed this situation on BookLikes, you wrote to us that you feel uncomfy knowing that some not-book-interested blog is following you. We want you to feel comfy, safe and sound on BookLikes so we decided to let you decide who should follow your blog. Once you enter Followers site (clickFriends tab) and point to a given person, you’ll see a tiny round “block” icon. When you click on it, you'll block a given blog, it stops following you and will no longer see your posts on Dashboard (the blog will disappear form Followers tab when you refresh).


Before blocking, please have a closer look. Some readers need more time to start sharing their posts, others appreciate your reviews and simply like reading them without much activity.


If you notice any suspicious activity and blogs and you’re sure they are not interested in your writing, use block feature. You can also report suspicious looking blogs and we’ll monitor their activity and perform necessary actions."


As we all know, Stupid Trolls Gabbing Ridiculous Bollocks is watching Booklikes carefully.  And we also all know how fond of sock puppets they are, especially Melissa/Athena who got thrown off Goodreads for her blatant sockpuppetry.  So keep the blocking instructions handy and don't be afraid to report their cotton/wool asses when found.