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Reading a Thousand Lives

I'm a goodreads refugee. I read horror, classics, literary, science fiction, YA, weird, regency romances, historical fiction, history, science, fantasy and random bits and pieces of every genre, it seems like. I don't do as much reading and reviewing as I used to, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things.

Currently reading

Stone Mattress: Nine Tales
Margaret Atwood
A Dance with Dragons
George R.R. Martin
Deep Blue
Jennifer Donnelly
Crystal Fire
Jordan Dane
Trisha Wolfe
Mistress to the Crown
Isolde Martyn
The Children of Henry VIII
John Guy
The Illicit Love of a Courtesan
Jane Lark
Lost in a Royal Kiss
Vanessa Kelly
The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind
Michio Kaku
May 2017
read and rated
read and rated
read and rated
October 2014
text: When Authors Go Off the Deep End: John Grisham, Kathleen Hale and Margo Howard #WTFCKERY
Grab some popcorn because the WTFckery factor is at an all-time high this week. Three authors have invoked the WTFckery to th...
July 2014
reviewed: A Feast for Crows
I have never been more pleased to see someone get their just desserts. Hopefully it continues.
A Feast for Crows - George R.R. Martin
June 2014
reviewed: I Could Chew on This: And Other Poems by Dogs
I laughed the whole way through.
I Could Chew on This: And Other Poems by Dogs - Francesco Marciuliano
June 2014
Cross posted on The Dead Writers Society blog: This installment in The Heyer Read was positively delightful. There were two...
June 2014
reviewed: The Caller
A strong finish. Sad to see it end though...
The Caller - Juliet Marillier
finished reading:
May 2014
reviewed: The Leftovers (The Dead World Series)
You can see my review here @ The Silence in the Library
The Leftovers (The Dead World Series) - Kay Holland
finished reading:
May 2014
finished reading:
finished reading:
May 2014
finished reading:
May 2014
finished reading:
May 2014
finished reading:
April 2014
reviewed: Endless
Another victim of my determination to DNF anything I'm not enjoying.The notes I took in my nook are pretty funny though.
Endless - Amanda Gray
finished reading:
April 2014
finished reading:
April 2014
reviewed: Bleeds My Desire
I made a Smashwords account just to buy this book, ngl.-Review when I'm feeling better, but for now, where is the next book? ...
Bleeds My Desire - Nenia Campbell
finished reading:
March 2014
reviewed: The Professor and the Siren (New York Review Books Classics)
2.5/3 stars.You can read my review HERE @ The Silence the Library.
The Professor and the Siren (New York Review Books Classics) - Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa
finished reading:
March 2014
reviewed: Lungs Full of Noise
3.5/5 stars.You can read my review HERE @ The Silence in the Library!
Lungs Full of Noise - Tessa Mellas
finished reading:
March 2014
read and rated
text: The Returend by Jason Mott
This is a very slowly paced book. With that said, I liked it a lot. The characters were just wonderful and three-dimensional,...
The Returned - Jason Mott